Excellent reception of 3i3Signature LLC at the Defence Industry and Space / European Commission meeting with people who master their subject, real experts.

A very enriching reception on the different programs such as the one of CASSINI for example.
Excellent reception of 3i3Signature LLC at the Defence Industry and Space / European Commission meeting with people who master their subject, real experts.
A very enriching reception on the different programs such as the one of CASSINI for example.
3i3Signature LLC is present at SpaceCom in Orlando USA for the 3rd time. This highly important event in our microcosm hashtag#NewSpace is held at the same time as the hashtag#17thEuropeanSpaceConference in Brussels. This year, the choice was easy! ( Source Novaspace...
s3i3s-Europa dont Philippe BOISSAT et le fondateur et le Président d'honneur a pu assister en vidéo au colloque : " Objectif Terre, le spatial au service de l'Humain" organisé par son Président Marc VALES et son équipe hébergés au siège de l' ESA à Paris. Un agenda...
3i3Signature LLC is delighted with its first day at Space Tech Expo Europe Bremen 2024 (exceptionally illustrated with 2 photos). We're delighted to have been able to accompany the European and American hashtag#NewSpace companies who have placed their trust in us,...