3i3Signature LLC, Laurent DAUDE had the privilege of attending the Bouygues matinale at the invitation of Christophe Lienard. We were very impressed by the quality of the speakers, including our friends @claudie haigneré Vincent Baudoin François Alter who gave a remarkable performance, particularly the introduction by Claudie Haigneré, whose passion never wavers! Some newspace companies were able to present their offers, such as ERS – Floriane Schreiber, Victoria Yegavian – CLS Group Stephanie Limouzin – Airbus “Solar Power Beams” Jean-Dominique Coste – EURO2MOON by ANRT – Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie Clarisse Angelier . We were really pleasantly surprised by BOUYGUES’ involvement in this market segment, both in terms of its ability to highlight our French nuggets, but also in terms of its concrete involvement, moving from words to deeds with the signing of the NewSpace Geoflex Romain Legros. Bouygues Construction is definitely an example to follow, a source of inspiration for other French industrial players!