Centre Spatial Guyanais Lancement de Soyuz VS 11- Invitation by Stephane ISRAEL the Executive President Arianeespace.
Photo group March 27th 2015 Badge Arianespace – Philippe BOISSAT
Centre Spatial Guyanais Lancement de Soyuz VS 11- Invitation by Stephane ISRAEL the Executive President Arianeespace.
Photo group March 27th 2015 Badge Arianespace – Philippe BOISSAT
s3i3s-Europa dont Philippe BOISSAT et le fondateur et le Président d'honneur a pu assister en vidéo au colloque : " Objectif Terre, le spatial au service de l'Humain" organisé par son Président Marc VALES et son équipe hébergés au siège de l' ESA à Paris. Un agenda...
3i3Signature LLC is delighted with its first day at Space Tech Expo Europe Bremen 2024 (exceptionally illustrated with 2 photos). We're delighted to have been able to accompany the European and American hashtag#NewSpace companies who have placed their trust in us,...
Philippe BOISSAT CEO - 3i3Signature LLC Delighted with this first contact with Wings N Things SFL. The founders and organizers Alyssa Bernkrant & Zachary Greene have incredible energy! Excellent initiative to network in the middle of Private Jets and Porsches ......